b'Gym Cycle to workHow does it work? How it worksGym membership gives you discountedThe Cycle to Work scheme is a government corporate gym membership rates oninitiative to boost the use of green transport existing and new memberships. ECDCand get everyone active.have partnered with Nuffield Health to give all ECDC employees 10% off. You can choose a bike online via the provider website and pay for it by monthly How much does it cost? salary sacrifice.You will get 10% off your membership cost.There is a cap on the amount you can spend How do I get this benefit? on a bike/accessories. Each contract is a 12 If employees would like to join, please let themonth hire agreement and at the end of this, Directors Executive Assistant know. ECDCthere is a transfer of ownership.will initially provide a list of employees to Nuffield Health to process the discount.Any eligible employee can use the scheme, even if you already have a bike.If you would like to join subsequently then you will need to sign up at the FulhamWhat do I need to do?branch and reference ECDC for the discountPlease contact the Directors Executive to be added to your account. Once you haveAssistant who will organise this with you.joined, you will be able to use other branches of Nuffield Health.7'