b'Group pension schemeHow does it work? Your pension investments will also grow From September 2022, all ECDClargely free of taxes, making this a very employees will be transfered to the ECDCeffective way of saving for retirement. group pension scheme. Under the groupThe new pensions freedom legislation pension scheme ECDC contributes 10%allows you maximum flexibility on how you of your salary and you contribute 0%decide to take your pension when you of your salary.choose to retire.However, you may want to make voluntaryIts important that you complete and return contributions in addition to ECDCsan Expression of Wish form (available on the contribution.pension provider website) which tells the pension provider who you want to benefit The group pension scheme is available to allfrom your pension fund in the event of your ECDC employees. death. You should regularly review this to ensure that it remains up to date (e.g. in the event of divorce, marriage, birth of child/children).How much does it cost?Nothing! Unless you wish to make voluntary contributions. Pension is not classed as a benefit-in-kind by HMRC, therefore pension contributions will not be taxed.What if I need to claim?The group pension scheme is with Scottish Widows. Upon joining, Scottish Widows will send you a welcome pack with all the information you will need. For any questions and for information on the group pension scheme please contact ECDCs Finance Director. 4'